Deliberate Creation

We are all Toltecs.

We are all artists of our Souls.

We are all born into the dream of this planet, and then strive for freedom. The planet is perfect, we are perfect- we just have learned to distort the light as we have been taught.

And then, we may come across a teaching, a moment of grace, where we are offered another view point, another possibility. Could it be that our word, our words could actually create?

That is our purpose- to be master creators. We can allow the true world to emerge-  one where we are the master director of our own movie, and all others are secondary characters. We have been seeing the world through a filter, a veil, and once that is pierced…….the glory of the spiritual world can shine through.

We are all Lovers and Magicians. There is nothing so sweet as to walk through the world seeing it through the eyes of love, rather than through the eyes of fear. The colours are brighter, the fragrances are sweeter, the light is softer.

Law of Attraction then brings to us more to enjoy, more to appreciate- it starts to become a self-fulfilling cycle. The more we look to appreciate and love, the more we start to find. Freedom from the dream of the planet, the mitote, the voices in our head that are not US.

The non-physical teachers collectively known as Abraham tell us to be aware of our emotions- they guide us to the truth of who we really are. The happier we feel, the more we are living our truth. Negative emotions can be consciously handled by choosing thoughts that give relief: that is our mastery- we CAN choose our thoughts, our focus. And that focus will start to diffuse the light and what we perceive.

The healing of our planet does not take place on the physical plane- that is the reflection of our collective thoughts. The healing of our planet takes place on the spiritual plane first- us- and then it will be the reflection of our collective thoughts. Nothing is broken, nothing needs to be fixed: we simply need to reclaim our birthright of freedom from the dream, and know that we are meant to be happy.

I have been a seeker all my life as you can tell from both the name of this blog and the many posts to that effect. Twenty + years of studying, praying, meditating, and asking have brought me to the place where I am now being asked to share what I have learned. My years as a midwife had people coming to me entrusting their and their baby’s lives into my hands; now I am honoured to be asked to help people learn the truth of who they really are and how to live a better and happier life.

To that end, I have published a new web site outlining what I want to offer people both in person and through the miracle of the internet.

Auro=golden Nova=light

Auronova Spritual Counselling at

Meditation for me is an inward journey- one where I let go of the daily concerns and activities, and one where I allow a connection to Source to develop. The more active, guided meditations are lovely, yet they are too much “doing” for me. I am so busy all day long- taking care of kids, husband, friends, my business, household etc. that this 20 minutes or longer are necessary for me to connect with ME/Source/Infinite Being/God.

In the creation story the earth was made in six days- the seventh day was designated the day of “rest”, the day where we could experience tranquility, serenity, and peace. In Jewish mysticism, this seventh day (called the Sabbath) is to be a delight- a day where you get a taste of “the world to come”.

The mystics go on to even describe a relationship where Source(God) is actually longing for a relationship with each of us, but because of our busyness during the week waits for us each seventh day. They liken it to a wedding where the groom waits longingly for its bride.

And then- the entire week is spent looking and longing for the Sabbath rest- the day when our connection to Source can be felt and delighted in.

Here we are in the 21st century, and so many of us have been searching for this peace and connection throughout our lives. Abraham has come to us though Esther, and also teaches that the most important relationship is the one between you and YOU/Source/Infinite Being/God. But rather than be framed by traditional religion, Abraham is giving us a revolutionary message- you don’t have to wait until Friday, Saturday or Sunday- we can have that connection every day, every moment if you wish- by releasing resistance, and allowing it.

So for me, the time I spend in meditating is my personal “Sabbath”- where I let go,renew my soul, discover who I really am, and experience how much I am loved.

I haven’t been posting in a while as I have been very involved on The Abe Forum.

A group of us decided to try meditating for 30 days, and yesterday was the completion. We had a powerful global meditation to mark the end of this journey. I am now meditating twice a day, and some amazing things are happening. I was searching the internet for some explanation and found this article by Owen Waters. Please enjoy reading it.

The Power of Your Inner Being
By Owen Waters

There is a power within you which very few suspect. While your “outer self” – your daily waking consciousness – is focused upon the external world, your inner being encompasses all aspects of your consciousness. Your inner being includes your outer self, your subconscious mind, and all the other, so-called “unconscious” parts of your mind that psychologists have tried to identify.

Your inner being is your complete consciousness. It is all of the “separate” parts of your consciousness in one unified package. Your inner being is also your soul – the real you, the complete you. It has also been referred to as your “higher self” because, compared to the consciousness of the outside world, most of your inner being operates at a higher frequency of consciousness. It manages many essential functions for you while your outer self focuses upon the experience of life in the external world through your five senses.

As members of the human race, we are spiritual adventurers who have projected ourselves into a physical realm in order to experience an intense focus of consciousness. Our purpose in the physical realm of consciousness is to gain a sharply-defined sense of identity and then to expand our awareness into heart-centered consciousness and beyond.

These stages of consciousness are reflected in the human chakra system, which is a set of gateways of consciousness between you and the outside world. The main portion of Western society today functions at the level of the solar plexus chakra, which emphasizes intellectual and technical development. Then, there is an ever-increasing body of people who function at the level of the heart chakra. These leading-edge people spend much of their time functioning through this holistic and integrative chakra. Here they learn how to be heartfelt and then – the next stage – heart-powered in their consciousness.

Through meditation, spiritual pioneers go further still and activate the throat chakra, which is the center of powerful creativity. It is also the level of consciousness where your soul or inner being is based. This higher frequency of consciousness carries with it an enormous power to create any reality that you need in order to realize your potential in life.

While the consciousness of the heart chakra is more expanded than that of the solar plexus chakra, the throat chakra is even more expanded still. Your inner being’s field of perception and influence reaches out to include many functions and abilities which are mostly dormant in the daily consciousness of the outer self. These include:

* An intuitive awareness of situations, one which sees deeply beneath any surface appearances.

* Spiritual connection. Your inner being is your personal connection to Infinite Being.

* Connection to the universe as a whole. Your inner self has the capability to be aware of anything that happens anywhere in the universe. It can also reach out to communicate with the inner being of anyone who has the answer to something which you seek to solve. It then feeds that information into your outer self’s focused segment of consciousness through intuition and dreams.

* The inner senses. These are inner versions of the outer senses. Inner sight is the sense that sees the subtle energy effects produced by fields of consciousness, such as, for example, human auras. Inner hearing provides empathic and telepathic communication with others as needed. Inner touch reveals the past history and associations of physical objects. Inner taste and smell provide an awareness of the subtle energies emanating from substances.

Imagine having access to all of these abilities! With them, you could sail through life, experiencing true joy, continually discovering and expressing more of your true potential in life.

These inner abilities do not have to be developed within your daily consciousness. You already possess them at the level of your inner being. You need only practice regular communication with your inner being in order to gain from this unlimited source of wisdom, insight and creativity. Tune into your inner being through regular, daily meditation, and by being receptive to the “still, small voice within” of your intuition. The more you pay attention to your intuitive insights, the more you realize how profoundly correct they are.

When you align with your inner self, your true potential begins to manifest and miracles begin to happen in your life!

Owen Waters is editor and cofounder of Infinite Being LLC.

He promotes a philosophy of spiritual empowerment through inner connection to the source of your ultimate potential.

I work at home in a ground floor office. Last week it was warm and I had all the doors open. I was working at my desk, looked up to my left when I heard a rustle, and there was a horse walking right into my office- no- not a horse. a dog, a VERY big dog, and he came right up to me and put his head in my lap……..before I could register what was happening, ANOTHER horse, no dog, followed him right over to me.

Black giant dog with head in lap drooled over me, I started laughing, stood up, and reached into my memory banks that BIG DOGS ARE GENTLE…and quietly told them to follow me outside. Dog #2 decided that the stairs leading to my comfy couches in the living room was a much better option- I had to coax him down the stairs, and led them both outside into my front yard.

I stood there wondering what to do. Were they lost, and who the heck owned them? My biggest fear at that point was that they would “poop” in my yard- I did NOT want to have to clean that up!

Well, they wandered off, and I called our Dog Catcher who never showed up. That was that.

Friday, I looked outside, and there was my friend again- Dog #1. I went outside, because now I was concerned that he was really lost and scared- I grabbed my portable phone with the Dog Catcher’s phone number. He came up to me wagging his giant tail, I sat on my bench on the porch, he settled down making sure his backside was on my foot, and we meditated together…….he eventually wandered off before DC came. When she did arrive, I had seen him go up my street, she went up and found out that my new neighbours who are currently just coming over the renovate the cabin, were their owners and would now keep them nearby.

I still laugh when I think of their strolling into my office- here is a picture of another person’s close encounter! And when I attract, I attract BIG these days!!!

I was reading some Abraham material yesterday, and felt inspired to offer this 30 day plan. I actually started doing this early last week, and it has been lovely, sweet, and energizing.

From Abraham: “Within 30 days of mild effort, you can go from being one of the most resistant people on the planet to one of the least resistant people on the planet- and then, those who are watching you will be amazed by the number of manifestations that begin to occur in your physical experience.”

And here is the affirmation from Abraham as well:

” I’m going to begin my day by meditating and bringing myself into alignment with my Source Energy. And as I move through the day, I am going to look for opportunities to appreciate, so that all day long I’ll bring myself back into Source Energy. If there is an opportunity to praise, I’m going to praise; if there is an opportunity to criticize, I’m going to keep my mouth shut and try to meditate. If I feel like criticizing, I’ll say, ‘ Here kitty, kitty,’ and I’ll pet my cat until that feeling goes away.”

There it is!

Care to join me? Fifteen minutes in the morning before starting our day, and then another meditation around 4 pm or whatever works for you- even just once a day is sufficient. How to do it? Just find a comfortable chair to sit in, and start to breathe- in and out, in and out- when you catch yourself thinking about stuff, just bring your thoughts back to your breathing. As time goes on, you will start to feel a lightness, a clarity, and you will just be in a timeless place, breathing and allowing.

When your heart is singing, you are allowing Well-being. When you are appreciating, you are allowing Well-being. When you are yelling at somebody, you’re not. When you’re feeling insecure, you’re not. When you’re frustrated, you’re not-Abraham

Excerpted from an Abraham-Hicks workshop in St. Louis, MO on Tuesday, July 18th, 2000

What a lovely day…fall is well upon us here in the Salish Sea. I can now really feel Well-being flow through me when I am appreciating, and the gloom that descends upon me when I am not.

Entering fifteen minutes of quiet meditation in the morning has been a way of allowing……playing piano….writing in my journal about all the things that I do appreciate is another. Life flows effortlessly and joyously along when I am allowing.

Learning that my feelings are good, valid and simply indicators has been liberating- when I feel “bad”, I now know to determine what it is that I am focusing on that I do not want, and then to determine what it is that I do want. Oh so simple…….and oh so powerful.

It was only minutes before they were passing over the crinkled blue of the Bristol Channel, and almost at once Combe Island lay beneath them, as unexpectedly as if it had risen from the waves, multicoloured and as sharply defined as a coloured photograph, its silver granite cliffs towering from the white boiling of foam. Dalgliesh reflected that it was impossible to view an offshore island from the air without a quickening of spirit. Bathed in autumnal sunshine there stretched a sea-estranged other world, deceptively calm but rekindling boyhood memories of fictional mystery, excitement and danger. Every island to a child is a treasure island. Even to an adult mind Combe, like every small island, sent out a paradoxical message: the contrast between its calm isolation and the latent power of the sea, which both protected and threatened its self-contained alluring peace.

-from “The Lighthouse” by P.D. James

I moved to my Island in the Salish Sea sixteen years ago, and when I read this last week I understood why….

Last night I went to a potluck dinner; we have been getting together for the last 3 years or so, and it is a highlight of my month seeing my friends and their kids.  There were the “regulars” plus a few people who have not been in a long time.

While I was eating, I looked around a decided to sit down on a chair to eat- the chair beside me was empty. I decided to try something new: I said to myself ” I want the person who chooses the chair to do so because they want to learn about Law of Attraction.” And so I just sat there by myself and enjoyed eating, while watching all the activity around me.

After a few minutes, a young woman, one of the not- so -regular attendants, sat down beside me and said to me ” Are you still doing a lot of walking- because I see you all the time walking and you look fantastic. You are simply glowing- what are you doing????”  Well, talk about a segue and away we went!!!!

It turns out, she is a single mom with a lovely 5 year old daughter, and is hitting a rough patch in her life- I asked her if she had heard of the Teachings of Abraham. She had not, and then I talked about the movie “The Secret” which she had heard of and explained that its origin was a filming of an Abraham-Hicks seminar. We talked a bit more about the principles of LOA, and she was getting more and more excited, as was I.

And where we left the conversation is that she is coming over to borrow some books and CDs……and there you have it….the beginning of the Wisdom School is happening wherever I go.

I am still amazed at the simplicity and  beauty of understanding this most basic and fundamental Law of the Universe.

When did I know that Law of Attraction was real, that I had complete control over my life and my emotions? That even though I am located in this reality, the larger part of me is connected to Source, and I can always access that wisdom within me?

Could it be when my brother- in -law offered us a trip to Mexico within two weeks of my simply thinking how nice it would be to go somewhere warm over the winter school break? And then could it have been when, on the first day of the glorious vacation, he gave me my first Abraham- Hicks book to read?

So there I was, lime margarita in one hand, lounging in my oceanfront lounge chair on the Sea of Cortez, reading about the Law of Attraction. And I had never bothered to see the movie “The Secret”!!

I can tell you- the hairs on my neck started to stand on end as I read more and more of the book, eventually digging up a highlighter, and getting more and more excited as I read.  This was giving me a deep understanding of what I had experienced and wondered about all my life: How do you explain co-incidences that change your life? What about “prophetic” dreams and “chance” happenings?

I started on that vacation a journey over the last nine months that saw me start this blog, purchase all the Abraham-Hicks books there are, join the bi-monthly CD program, and become an active participant on a forum ( that discusses these concepts: the wisdom contained in these teachings is transforming my life, and the next while I will write about them on my blog.  The aspiration of my soul has called in, through the law of attraction, this infinite wisdom.

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